Great lesson today with Kendra DeKay.  Short note here basically for myself to remember.
If my horse Jester ramroad's me (I see the previous word is not a word - oh well) and 
runs over me to wherever... At this point it was into the door of the horse trailer looking for treats.  If his energy is a HUGE blow me off and charges there, I MATCH that energy with
the correction to back him up or HQ him.  I do not start out with a soft asking.

Makes sense to me.  He already has the cookies so!  He has learned there is no re-percussion here because my consequence that I have been giving him was a light one.
So, why not????? go into the trailer get some treats - - because Mom has this light slap on the hand.  EASY! PEASY!  

No more, my dear Jester....  I now know I can match that "ramroad" and back you up.  Then, you ask again for him to maybe "walk" past that entrance of the trailer.  I am not suppose to try to correct him to not go in there.  I only correct if he starts to turn in there.  If the turn is soft, my actions are the three phase of one - two - three.

Jester got this on the first try.  Amazing.  Not happy though!  

This is the first part of my subject line.  Matching the energy.
Second, is the Patterns.  He has learned a "pattern."

This is a negative "pattern."  There are positives ones too (like the HQ).

So, then we worked on alphaness.  By putting a bowl of grain down between him and me.
Me asking him to back up from the grain and give me "good ears."
When he did, he got to eat a few grains.  Then, you ask him to back up again.  

Really, cool.  

Trailer loading was fun.  Jester has this mastered though and was eager to investigate the trailer.  This is a good thing to do.  Especially, with a green horse.  Since Jester isn't a green horse, it was OK, but then let's get to our business.  He was so intelligent!  Smart,
a great trailer dude!

Thank you Kendra 

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